Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Writing in a nutshell

     Every author is different. Some have the opportunity to write everyday. Others-like me- write as often as we can, be it every other day or once or twice a week. That pesky day job complete with double shifts tends to sap my energy. But that doesn't mean my mind stops listening to the story rolling through my head. Keeping small notepads with me, stuffed in my pocketbook, laptop satchel, on the bedside table and even in the door of my car, has saved me from forgetting a pivotal scene I wanted to place in a book. Might not be the book I'm working on, it sometimes is an inspiration for another novel.
     To keep my writing on track, I've started using a story board. For years, I've kept competer files on each book that contain vital information such as correct spelling of character names, eye color, hair etc. and I open them as I work on the story. But now, I also have a ritual where I jot stuff on a story board. Please excuse the mess, I'm a bit disorganized at the moment and my desk looks disheveled but this is where I like to work.

     I do have one ritual that helps me stay focused. I like to block out all noise, especially since I have four dogs, who tend to bark at everything from the wind to a leaf. Some authors enjoy music while writing. I started incorporating song lyrics in my novels when I tried that as a focusing tool. Since I like country, my Scottish Lairds were speaking with a Southern drawl and that wasn't appropriate. LOL.  This is my older dog, Jaeger modeling the headphones. They don't fit right on him but at least he held still.
Here is a picture of why I need noise reducing headphones to get anything accomplished. 
Notice, not one of them looked when I called their names and Simon turned completely away so you can only imagine how noisy they can be when I'm ignoring them and trying to work.

Thanks for letting me share with you.

Here is my latest release coming out March 30th. It's up for pre-order until then.
My title in this wonderful anthology about Voluptuous Female Characters is Cash's Cherry.

   Cash’s Cherry~Tara Nina
When Cherry Adams disappears while taking an EMT call, it’s up to Cash Dupree and his search-and-rescue dog, Max, to find her, bring her home safe and show her how much she means to him. She makes him hot, hard and wanting more. He made a mistake before, running scared from the overwhelming feelings he felt for her. He’s not going to make the same mistake twice.
First, however, he has to find her.


  1. Such cute puppies!

    Yes. I carry paper and pen wherever I go now!


  2. Love the pics of your four-legged brood!
